Losing weight-Gavafute

Summer is over, we don’t need to be worried about wearing swimsuits anymore, and in 1 month time cold weather will make us cover our body with more layers; but the doesn’t mean we forget about those extra pounds gained during these past weeks.


There are tons of weight loss programs and it all depends on yourself and how dedicated and committed you feel about it. Well one thing that has helped me during my struggling with getting rid of extra pounds is morning smoothies, but you want to be careful about it, sometimes the first thing that comes to our mind is those delicious milk-sugar based shakes and even worse people do believe that by drinking one each morning they will reduce fat immediately. Nope ,it doesn’t work that way.


First of all we have to keep in mind that this will be a process there are no magic formulas to lose weight fast, but discipline changing habits and being patient will be our best allies.

Secondly, if you consider smoothies as an option to lose weight you must remember that it is important you follow this formula:

  1. You want to skip sugar or artificial sweetener.
  2. Liquids choose a non- dairy milk, coconut water, or tea.
  3. Green leaves are a MUST (1 ½ cup )
  4. Fresh or frozen fruit (1 cup )
  5. This one is optional you can add nutrition boosting extras such as: chia seeds, oatmeal, cinnamon, basil, ginger or peanut butter (you want to be careful about this and pick a healthy option)

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